Learn programming with Lego Mindstorms EV3 - Basic workshop

Workshop give on Basic level kids introduction to Lego Mindstorms programming

Type: Interactive workshop have 3 Parts – every part 4 hours

The workshop is carried out by our team of 2 experienced people.

Age limitation: for kids from 10 to 14 years

Workshop is carried out with 8 or more participants (12 is a maximum number of participants).

The parents do not take part in the workshop.


After a short introduction to the basic concepts of IT andthe components of the Lego Mindstorms models, the children build a robot based on the instructions and receive a series of 10 exercises to complete. In groups of 2 children per team within a defined time frame (roughly 20 to 30 mins per exercise), each team works out the solutions for the exercises step by step:

  • Preparation of the program instructions on the tablet/computer and upload to the robot.
  • Running the program on the individual team’s playground and fine tune the program via trial-and-error.
  • At the end of each task, each team presents their solution to the other teams.
  • In the last exercise of the workshop, all teams participate in a competition on the common playground.

Part 1

Section A (60 min): A short introduction into the basic concepts of IT and the Lego Mindstorms components. 

      • How to display text or play sounds and show the color status information on the brick.

      • How to connect the EV3 Brick to sensors and motors.

      • Exercise 1: Learn EV3 brick – start/stop, connect sensors and motors

      • Learn how to start programming EV3 robot 

      • Exercise 2: Write the “Hello to the Lego Mindstorm World!” program and execute it on the brick

    Break (15 min)

    Section B (90 min): Building a tracker robot based on the  instructions and programming it to: 


        • Exercise 3: Drive forward / backward  

        • Exercise 4: Rotate left to 90, 180 and 360 degrees – Visualize your path with the pen.

      Break (15 min)

      Section C (60 min): Building a tracker robot based on the instructions and programming it to:


          • Exercise 5: Program the robot to drive along a specific path – Visualise your path with the pen.

        Part 2

        Section A (60 min): Building a tracker robot based on the instructions and programming it to:

          • Exercise 6: Clean the path. 

          • Exercise 7: Catch and  move the item. 

        Break (15 min)

        Section B (90 min): Building a tracker robot based on the instructions and programming it to:

          • Exercise 8: Shoot object down 

        Part 3

        Section C (60 min)Building a tracker robot based on the instructions and programming it to:

          • Exercise 10: Find your way by using the color and distance sensors.

          • Preparation for the competition: Fine-tune your robot and program in the individual team playground.    

          • In the competition on the common playground Arena all teams will run their fine-tuned robots. We will time the robots and the robot with the best time wins!

         Clean up of each participants’ desk and end of session.